Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Greetings

All of us at Friends of the Bay wish you the best of health and happiness in 2011.  We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year, with new opportunities to protect and preserve our beautiful harbor and upland areas.  Our Watershed Action Plan will be completed in 2011. It will provide a roadmap for on the ground initiatives that will address many of the issues identified in the State of the Watershed Report.  This is a vision for the future that is being developed by the community.

Some of the programs and initiatives we are looking forward to working on include a restoration of Beekman Creek, developing an Information Resource Center, planning a Blueway Trail, fish passage projects and creation of bio-retention basins.  In addition, we will continue to monitor the water in our harbor, ponds and streams, perform beach cleanups and conduct our lecture series.

These projects will all be accomplished in partnership with local municipalities, other organizations and with support from volunteers and residents.  Friends of the Bay believes that when citizens and communities are informed and engaged in local decision making a powerful vision for the future can be developed and environmental issues can be resolved. 

Working on the Watershed Action Plan has been both a humbling and energizing experience.  I am very grateful to all of you who have come to the planning meetings, submitted comments and offered expertise and energy to this project.  You have shown yourselves to be deeply committed to your community and to protecting this beautiful part of the world. 

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